Thursday, August 4, 2016

Extremes 2/18/16

People who don't live the way we do simply won't understand.  We are sensitive to emotional stimuli, so when we experience emotions they are stronger.  We love deeper. The smallest bump in our road throws us off where most could simply overlook it. 

Once triggered, the emotion tends to be extreme. Rather than experiencing mild frustration, affection, regret or hurt, these individuals will experience more extreme versions of emotion like fury, adoration, humiliation and hopelessness. 

.... To be continued 

Valentines Day 2/14/16

What is the real reason for Valentine's Day?  In the Catholic Church it's to celebrate the life of Saint Valentine, he who officiated marriages at a time when marriage was banned because it was belives that single men made better soldiers. 

Yet we celebrate this holiday by purchasing expensive gifts for the people we love?  It'll never make sense to me, I would rather show my loved ones how I feel about them all year long, and not by buying their happiness on "holidays".

Anyone who requires expensive gifts to feel loved or wanted, anyone who makes you feel like that is the only way for you to make them feel that way, isn't for you. Materialistic people are precisely what's wrong with this generation.  Love is a feeling you get about a person you care about, not because they have money and can take you places or buy you things, but because the way they treat you makes you feel like your the only person for them.

Think about it.

Loyalty 2/13/16

In life you'll come across two types of people.

Type one: those who are loyalType two: those who will use you

And you'll have to learn how to differentiate between the two. It's hard and you will go through a lot of heart ache, a lot of disappointment and a lot of let downs. In life there will be a lot of ups and downs. People will always be there to celebrate your ups, but it's those that are there to pick you up when your down that are truly loyal. Those are the people that no matter how many mistakes you may make or the severity of them they will still be there; to pick you up and dust you off; to push you in the right direction; to encourage you and see the potential in you that you don't see in yourself; they'll have your back at all costs. That's loyalty.  That's what one needs in their life.

You live and you learn. You'll make mistakes but you have to learn from them, keep your head up and never be discouraged. You are stronger than you think and can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

White Flag 2/10/16

Today.... I feel defeated .. I feel like I've sunk into a place I simply can't climb out of ... I surrender to my defeat, I throw in the towel, wave my white flag .. I just need a way out, hope, a light at the end of the tunnel. 

When defeat comes accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound.  

I guess that means it's time to rebuild my plans and start moving forward once again. There is a certain strength one gains when they have picked themselves up after they've been knocked down.  

Intensity 2/9/16

... Someone once told me I was an intense person - I didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult ... I mean let's face it, how many women would you consider "intense"?  So I started to do a little research when I can across something that does describe me to a T....

I don't know how to be anything other than intense.

I don't know how to experience without feeling and thinking too much.

I don't know how to sit still, quiet my mind and just be.

I am always searching, always questioning, struggling to find the meaning in everything.

I am passionate and I am deep, and even if I am misunderstood I am finally okay with that.

I am okay with that, it's tough when people don't understand what it's like to live with that constant mindset of needed perfection.  The anxiety is sometimes too much to deal with, sometimes it really is hard to just get out of bed in the morning.  We dig down real deep for that strength.

I do believe that some people can find balance, I however cannot.  I am black or white, never gray. I'm all on or all out, I never do things halfway.  I believe in the saying "all or nothing" and I tend to live by it.

So yes, I take being called an intense person as a compliment because that means that there's passion behind it.

Friday, February 5, 2016

The forbidden fruit

Ask yourself, what is so appealing about something that is "forbidden"?  I mean it's off limits, you either can't have it or your not supposed to.  So why does that make one want it even more? 

Being forbidden makes one yearn for said thing, romanticize about it.  Make it seem like it is the only one of its kind, but is it?  Will it be as perfect as you imagine? 

Do you really need it? Want it? Can you really not live without it? Do you have to have it? Or is it just a new obsession because it's "forbidden"?

One can compare this to the good old fashion "Don't look, I'm _________." Of course now the person wants to look, they have to look. All because you said not to.

Be true to yourself, and always have a moral compass guiding you.

Karma is real.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Online Dating

As someone who has not been in a serious relationship since I called things off with my daughters father roughly 3 years ago) I have realized that as you get older, meeting people becomes harder.  So, I've done it, I've joined the online dating world and let me tell you it is hard! You basically need to sell yourself to make the opposite sex interested and then finding someone your equally interested in becomes a problem.  There are fees for the good sites so there's added costs to meeting someone online however if you do find someone, and the two of you are equally interested in eachother that's great!  

Until the awkward first meeting, which makes or breaks everything.  Then you can find out what they really want, is it a relationship? Just friends? Or the ever so daunting hookup? 

Stay tooned for my next post about trying to settle down in a hook up culture.

Trying to Settle Down in a Hookup Culture

I've always thought that I was born in the wrong era, I believe in there being someone for everyone.  I believe in loyalty and honesty.  Being with just one person and not giving up just because things get tough.  So why is it so hard to find someone who shares the same values?

We live in a hook up culture, where guys are to afraid to look bad in front of their friends, or too afraid to look whipped and girls are constantly looking for attention that as soon as their man gets a little distant or is having an off week they need to search for attention somewhere else.

I truly don't know how mankind got this bad, or how to start the change... All I know is that I want to settle down in this hook up culture ?!? 

Conforming to the "Norm"

In a world that's so diverse, how can society make so many people feel like there is only one "norm" in which they must conform?  I feel like some people conform simply because they want to be accepted, but who's to say the only socially acceptable norm is the one the media portrays? 

As a female I feel like my weight is not socially acceptable, like unless you look like a model you are just not pretty.  But I realize that what should be socially acceptable is being healthy, not overweight but not underweight. 

That's not the only thing I am talking about, some people think that everything is based on the way someone looks, way to judge a book by its cover... 

In this society we accept more, kids sitting in front of the tv playing video games instead of going outside to play, tattoos and piercings being frowned upon and discriminated against.

Our generation has given far to much control to the media.